A large number of airport complaints are caused by sections of the Torrance Municipal Code (TMC) that are invalid, unenforceable and preempted by Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs). This leads some Torrance citizens to incorrectly believe that pilots are "breaking the law," when in fact they are not! The City should repeal those sections which improperly attempt to regulate aircraft in flight so there are no more misunderstandings of the applicable laws.
TMC: 51.2.2 (a) states:-
"Except as otherwise herein provided, all aircraft, both fixed wing and rotary wing, arriving
at or leaving the airport, before landing and after takeoff, shall be flown in accordance with the traffic patterns shown on
those certain diagrams on file with the City Clerk and in the office of the Airport Manager, and which are made a part hereof.
All rotary wing aircraft being flown for testing, training or certification shall be flown within the north training pattern
shown in those certain diagrams on file in the office of the City Clerk and in the office of the Airport Manager, and which are
made a part hereof."
FAA has exclusive authority to regulate aircraft in flight, pre-empting TMC.
TMC: 51.2.2 (b) states:
"The traffic pattern flight altitude for fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft arriving and departing is
eight hundred feet (800') and the training pattern flight altitude for rotary wing aircraft is five hundred feet (500')."
FAA has exclusive authority to regulate aircraft in flight, pre-empting TMC. Pattern altitude specified by FAA is 1,100' MSL.
TMC: 51.2.2 (c) states:
"All rotary wing testing, training or certification flights shall be conducted within the north training
pattern, as provided in paragraph (a) above, but nothing contained in this Section shall prohibit use of the south training pattern,
as shown on those certain diagrams on file in the office of the City Clerk and the office of the Airport Manager, for arriving at or
departing from the Airport, or in the event of an emergency, or when otherwise directed by the air traffic controller."
FAA has exclusive authority to regulate aircraft in flight, pre-empting TMC.
TMC 51.2.3 states:
"a) All cockpit and engine checks shall be made on the run-up ramp prior to taxiing into position for take off.
b) Before taxiing an aircraft into position on the runway for take off, the runway base legs and final approach legs shall be
clear and, if the control tower is being operated, the pilot shall have received clearance from the control tower.
c) All take offs and landings of aircraft shall be made on the runway only.
d) All initial take offs of aircraft shall be made from the end of the runway.
e) Aircraft taking off to the west shall not turn left until they have either reached the ocean or attained an altitude of
fifteen hundred (1,500) feet.
f) Touch and go landings shall be permitted only after the pilot of the aircraft has received approval from the air traffic
controller in the control tower.
g) Aircraft landing at the Airport shall make the landing runway available to others by leaving the line of traffic as promptly
as possible."
FAA has exclusive authority to regulate aircraft in flight and in airport operational areas pre-empting TMC.
TMC 51.2.19 states:
"Except in emergency or by prior arrangement with the Airport Control Tower, all aircraft using the Airport
shall be equipped with functioning two-way radio equipment tuned to the Torrance tower frequency and capable of transmitting and
receiving intelligible traffic control instructions from the control tower for a distance of at least four (4) miles from the
Airport. When the control tower is in operation, aircraft shall establish communication with the control tower prior to departing
any parking or tie down area. Radio contact shall be maintained at all times while taxiing and during engine warm up prior to
departure. Aircraft approaching the Airport shall establish radio communication with the control tower at least three (3) miles
from the Airport.
During take offs and until outside of the three (3) mile control zone or until cleared to leave tower frequency, the pilots of all
aircraft shall guard the control tower radio frequency."
FAA has exclusive authority to regulate aircraft in flight and in airport operational areas, pre-empting TMC. FARs specify
different requirements for Class D airspace and specify procedures for aircraft with no radio.