The Myth of the "no left turn" law

Section 51.2.3(e) of the Torrance Municipal Code (TMC) states: "Aircraft taking off to the west shall not turn left until they have either reached the ocean or attained an altitude of fifteen hundred (1,500) feet."

Is it enforceable?

City of Torrance says “YES”

FAA Chief Counsel has told the City “NO” (4 times)

The General Counsels of five national aviation organizations say "NO"

The counsels for the Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association, the Helicopter Association International, the National Business Aviation Association, the General Aviaton Manufacturers Association and the National Air Transportation Association have written a 70+ page joint letter to advise the City of its error.

In it, they state:
"To avoid the waste of taxpayer funds in attempting to defend clear violations of the law, the implementation and enforcement of the actions approved on July 25, 2023, should be held in abeyance pending verification of legal compliance with the FAA. We request an in-person with you no later than October 13, 2023, to discuss the legal landscape in greater detail, with the goal of avoiding preventable legal battles that will require significant financial and staff resources to litigate law that is already well settled."

CLICK HERE to read the the details of the many court rulings that the City continues to ignore.

Torrance Municipal Code contains many sections that illegally encroach on FAA’s exclusive authority and therefore are invalid and unenforceable